How to Host FTB Revelation Server :

Welcome to our ultimate guide on how to host FTB Revelation Server for your gaming community! If you’re an avid fan of Minecraft and its modding capabilities, you won’t want to miss out on the fun of hosting your very own server. Not only can you invite friends and others to play with you, but you’ll also have full control over the server settings, mods, and plugins you want to use. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive walkthrough on how to set up and manage your own FTB Revelation Server, along with frequently asked questions and helpful tips. So, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to FTB Revelation Server
  2. Setting Up Your Server
  3. Choosing a Hosting Provider
  4. Requirements for Hosting FTB Revelation Server
  5. Installing FTB Revelation Modpack
  6. Configuring Server Properties
  7. Managing Your Server with FTP
  8. Creating and Managing Worlds
  9. Adding and Removing Mods
  10. Using Plugins and Commands
  11. Maintaining Your Server
  12. Troubleshooting Common Issues
  13. FAQs

1. Introduction to FTB Revelation Server

FTB Revelation is a popular modpack for Minecraft that includes over 200 mods for players to explore and enjoy, with new features and functions added constantly. The modpack is designed to give players more ways to interact with the game world, from adding new weapons and armor to enhancing the environment and adding new challenges. Hosting your own server allows you to customize the gaming experience and invite others to join in on the fun.

However, setting up a server from scratch can be daunting if you’re not familiar with the process. There are several steps involved, from choosing a hosting provider to installing the modpack and configuring the server settings. In this article, we’ll guide you through each step and provide tips and tricks to make the process smoother.

2. Setting Up Your Server

Before you can start hosting your own FTB Revelation Server, you need to set up the server environment. This includes choosing a hosting provider, installing the modpack, and configuring server settings. Here are the basic steps to set up your server:

Choosing a Hosting Provider

The first step in setting up your server is to choose a hosting provider. There are many hosting providers available, each with different features and pricing options. Some of the popular hosting providers for Minecraft servers include:

Hosting Provider Features Pricing
Shockbyte Dedicated IP, DDoS protection, 24/7 support Starting at $2.50/month
Nodecraft Custom control panel, instant setup, premium support Starting at $9.98/month
BisectHosting Instant setup, modpack installation, unlimited SSD storage Starting at $2.99/month

When choosing a hosting provider, consider factors such as server location, server resources, support, uptime guarantees, and pricing. Some hosting providers offer specialized plans for Minecraft servers, which may provide better performance and stability.

Requirements for Hosting FTB Revelation Server

Once you’ve chosen a hosting provider, you need to ensure that your server meets the minimum requirements for hosting FTB Revelation Server. These requirements include:

  • A minimum of 4GB RAM
  • A 64-bit operating system
  • Java 8 or higher installed
  • A stable internet connection

Make sure to check with your hosting provider to ensure that your server meets these requirements before proceeding with the installation.

Installing FTB Revelation Modpack

Once you’ve set up your server environment, the next step is to install the FTB Revelation modpack. You can download the modpack from the official FTB website or through the Twitch app. Here’s how to install the modpack:

  1. Download and install the Twitch app
  2. Sign in to your Twitch account or create one if you don’t have one
  3. Click on the Mods tab and search for FTB Revelation
  4. Click on the Install button to install the modpack
  5. Once the installation is complete, launch Minecraft and select the FTB Revelation modpack

After the modpack is installed, you can start configuring the server settings to customize your gaming experience.

3. Configuring Server Properties

Customizing your server settings is an essential step in hosting FTB Revelation Server. Here are some of the key server properties you can configure:

Server Name

The server name is the name that appears in the server list for players to join. You can change the server name by editing the file and changing the value for server-name.

Server MOTD

The server MOTD (Message of the Day) is the message that appears when players first join the server. You can change the MOTD by editing the file and changing the value for motd.

Game Mode

The game mode determines whether players are in survival, creative, or adventure mode. You can change the game mode by editing the file and changing the value for gamemode.


The difficulty setting determines how challenging the game is. You can change the difficulty by editing the file and changing the value for difficulty.


The whitelist allows only authorized players to join the server. You can modify the whitelist by editing the whitelist.json file.


The ops list determines which players have administrative privileges on the server. You can modify the ops list by editing the ops.json file.

These are just a few of the many server properties you can configure to customize your gaming experience. Refer to the Minecraft Gamepedia for a full list of

4. Managing Your Server with FTP

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a common way to manage files on your server, including uploading and downloading files and modifying server settings. Most hosting providers offer FTP access to your server, which you can use to manage your server. Here are some of the ways you can use FTP to manage your server:

Uploading and Downloading Files

You can use FTP to upload and download files, including mods, plugins, and world data. Connect to your server using an FTP client such as FileZilla, and navigate to the directory where you want to upload or download files. Drag and drop files between your local computer and the server directory to transfer files.

Modifying Server Properties

You can also use FTP to modify server properties, such as the file or ops.json file. Connect to your server using FTP and navigate to the directory containing the file you want to modify. Right-click the file and select Edit to open the file in a text editor. Make any changes you want to the file and save it.

5. Creating and Managing Worlds

Minecraft allows you to create multiple worlds with different settings and properties. You can use the /world command to create and manage worlds. Here are some of the ways you can create and manage worlds:

Creating a New World

To create a new world, use the /world create command followed by the name of the new world. For example, to create a new world called “MyWorld”, type /world create MyWorld. The new world will be created with default settings.

Deleting a World

To delete a world, use the /world delete command followed by the name of the world. For example, to delete a world called “OldWorld”, type /world delete OldWorld. Note that this will permanently delete the world and cannot be undone.

Teleporting Between Worlds

To teleport between worlds, use the /world tp command followed by the name of the world. For example, to teleport to a world called “OtherWorld”, type /world tp OtherWorld. This will teleport your character to the spawn point of the specified world.

6. Adding and Removing Mods

One of the advantages of hosting your own FTB Revelation Server is the ability to add and remove mods to the modpack. Here’s how to add and remove mods:

Adding a Mod

To add a mod to the modpack, download the mod file and upload it to the mods directory in the server root directory. You can then start the server and the mod will be loaded. Note that some mods may require additional configuration or dependencies.

Removing a Mod

To remove a mod from the modpack, simply delete the mod file from the mods directory in the server root directory. Make sure to remove any references to the mod from the file or any other configuration files as well.

7. Using Plugins and Commands

In addition to mods, you can also use plugins and commands to enhance your server functionality. Here are some of the popular plugins and commands:


WorldEdit is a popular plugin that allows you to easily edit and manipulate the game world. It includes features such as copy and paste, fill and replace, and brush tools.


Essentials is a popular plugin that provides many useful commands, such as game mode switching, teleportation, and item spawning. It also includes features such as economy support and chat formatting.


The /tp command allows you to teleport to specific coordinates or players. For example, /tp 100 64 100 will teleport you to the coordinates x=100, y=64, z=100.

8. Maintaining Your Server

Maintaining your server is an ongoing process that involves regularly updating mods and plugins, managing server resources, and monitoring server performance. Here are some tips for maintaining your server:

Update Mods and Plugins

Regularly check for updates to mods and plugins to ensure that they are up-to-date and compatible with the latest version of Minecraft. Updating mods and plugins can also fix bugs and security vulnerabilities.

Monitor Server Performance

Use server monitoring tools to track server performance, such as CPU and memory usage, network traffic, and player activity. This can help you identify performance issues and make adjustments to improve server stability.

Back Up Server Data

Regularly back up server data, including world data, mod files, and configuration files. This can help you recover from data loss due to hardware failure, software bugs, or other issues.

9. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with careful planning and maintenance, issues can arise when hosting FTB Revelation Server. Here are some common issues and solutions:

Server Crashes

If the server crashes, check the server logs for error messages and try restarting the server. If the issue persists, try removing any recently added mods or plugins or reverting to a backup version of the server.

Connection Issues

If players are having trouble connecting to the server, check the server settings and network configuration. Make sure that the server is running, ports are open, and firewalls are not blocking connections.

Performance Issues

If the server is experiencing lag or other performance issues, check the server logs and performance metrics for possible causes. Try reducing the number of players or adjusting server settings to improve performance.

10. FAQs

Q: What are the minimum requirements for hosting FTB Revelation Server?

A: The minimum requirements for hosting FTB Revelation Server include a minimum of 4GB RAM, a 64-bit operating system, Java 8 or higher installed, and a stable internet connection.

Q: How do I install FTB Revelation modpack?

A: You can download the modpack from the official FTB website or through the Twitch app. Once downloaded, launch Minecraft and select the FTB Revelation modpack.

Q: How do I customize server properties?

A: You can customize server properties by editing the file using a text editor or through FTP.

Q: How do I add or remove mods?

A: To add a mod, upload the mod file to the mods directory in the server root directory. To remove a mod, delete the mod file from the mods directory.

Q: How do I use plugins and commands?

A: Install and configure plugins through the plugins directory, and use commands by typing them in the chat or console, depending on the command.

Q: How do I troubleshoot common issues?

A: Check server logs and performance metrics, remove any recently added mods or plugins, and revert to a backup version of the server if necessary.

Q: What are some popular hosting providers for Minecraft servers?

A: Popular hosting providers for Minecraft servers include Shockbyte, Nodecraft, and BisectHosting.

And that concludes our ultimate guide on how to host FTB Revelation Server! We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any additional questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy gaming!

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